
  • TIL-2024.04.15 - 코테연습 - 추천 제품(2).programmers
    > 기초/코테 연습 2024. 4. 15. 18:24






    // URL >
    const solution = (products, purchased) => {
        * How To Solve (HTS)
        * 1. 전체 products에서, 구매한 적이있는 purchased 를 빼서, unpurchased 찾기
        * 2. purchased에서 추천 목록 찾기
        * 3. unpurchased에서 purchased 맞는거 찾기
        * */
        const productsMap = new Map();
        let bought = [];
        let unpurchased = [];
        let unpurchasedProperty = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
            const product = products[i].split(" ");
            let property = "";
            for (let j = 1; j < product.length; j++) {
                if (j !== 1) property += " ";
                property += product[j];
            productsMap.set(product[0], property);
        console.log(1, productsMap);
        console.log(2, bought);
        unpurchased = bought.filter(item => !purchased.includes(item));
        console.log(3, unpurchased);
        let tempArr = [];
        let purchasedPropertyMap = new Map();
        for (let i = 0; i < purchased.length; i++) {
            const purchasedItemProperty = productsMap.get(purchased[i]);
            let purchasedItemPropertySplit = purchasedItemProperty.split(" ");
            for (let j = 0; j < purchasedItemPropertySplit.length; j++) {
                if (purchasedPropertyMap.has(purchasedItemPropertySplit[j])) {
                    let value = purchasedPropertyMap.get(purchasedItemPropertySplit[j]);
                    purchasedPropertyMap.set(purchasedItemPropertySplit[j], value + 1);
                } else {
                    purchasedPropertyMap.set(purchasedItemPropertySplit[j], 1);
        let tempEntries = Array.from(purchasedPropertyMap);
        // Sort the array by values first, then by keys if values are the same
        tempEntries.sort((a, b) => {
            // Compare values (a[1] and b[1])
            if (a[1] !== b[1]) {
                return b[1] - a[1]; // Sort by value
            } else {
                // If values are the same, compare keys (a[0] and b[0])
                if (a[0] > b[0]) {
                    return 1;
                } else if (a[0] < b[0]) {
                    return -1;
        purchasedPropertyMap = new Map(tempEntries);
        let result = ''
        let tempUnpurchased = [...unpurchased]
        purchasedPropertyMap.forEach((value, key) => {
            for (let i = 0; i < unpurchased.length; i++) {
                let split = productsMap.get(unpurchased[i]).split(" ")
                    const index = tempUnpurchased.indexOf(unpurchased[i])
                    tempUnpurchased.splice(index, 1)
                if(tempUnpurchased.length === 1){
                    result = tempUnpurchased[0]
        return result;
    console.log("result:: ", solution([ "sofa red long", "blanket blue long", "towel red", "mattress long", "curtain blue long cheap" ], [ "towel", "mattress", "curtain" ])); // "blanker"
    console.log("result:: ", solution(["towel red long thin", "blanket red thick short", "curtain red long wide", "mattress thick", "hat red thin", "pillow red long", "muffler blue thick long"], ["blanket", "curtain", "hat", "muffler"])); // "towel






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