Flutter_20230414_02. StatefulWidget> Frontend/Flutter 2023. 4. 17. 20:09
1. Column() widget and Row() widget:
- 예제:
child: Center( child: Column( children: [ Image.asset('assets/images/dice-2.png', width: 200), TextButton(onPressed: rollDice, child: const Text('Roll Dice')) ], ), ),
2. 해당 widget은 StatelessWidget이기 때문에, 이런식으로 internally changing data 불가.
class GradientContainer extends StatelessWidget {
var activeDiceImage = 'assets/images/dice-2.png'; void rollDice() { activeDiceImage = 'assets/images/dice-4.png'; }
3. StatefulWidget을 사용하여, 문제해결.
: StatefulWidget - 변경 가능한 상태(State)를 가진 widget.
: 여기서의 State은 widget이 빌드될때 동기적으로 읽을 수 있고, 생명주기동안 변경될 수 있는 정보.
- StatefulWidget 인 DiceRoller는 createState()를 통해 같은 파일내, private 클래스인 _DiceRoller라는 객체를 리턴
- setState() 함수는 build 함수 재실행
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; // Public Class class DiceRoller extends StatefulWidget { // Constructor const DiceRoller({super.key}); @override State<DiceRoller> createState() { //generic Type임. return _DiceRollerState(); } } // Private Class class _DiceRollerState extends State<DiceRoller> { var activeDiceImage = 'assets/images/dice-2.png'; void rollDice() { setState(()=>{ // tell Flutter to re-execute build. activeDiceImage }); activeDiceImage = 'assets/images/dice-4.png'; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Image.asset(activeDiceImage, width: 200), TextButton(onPressed: rollDice, child: const Text('Roll Dice')), ], ); } }
4. 코드 정리 (EP.50)
import 'dart:math'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; final randomizer = Random(); // Public Class class DiceRoller extends StatefulWidget { // Constructor const DiceRoller({super.key}); @override State<DiceRoller> createState() { //generic Type임. return _DiceRollerState(); } } // Private Class class _DiceRollerState extends State<DiceRoller> { var currentDiceRoll = 1; void rollDice() { currentDiceRoll = randomizer.nextInt(6) + 1; setState(() => { // tell Flutter to re-execute build. currentDiceRoll }); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Column( mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: [ Image.asset('assets/images/dice-$currentDiceRoll.png', width: 200), TextButton(onPressed: rollDice, child: const Text('Roll Dice')), ], ); } }
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